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Seminar commemorating 30years of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and South Africa

관리자 / 2022-08-24 오후 4:09:00 / 745

Seminar commemorating 30 years of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and South Africa


The Korea-Africa Foundation co-hosted the seminar commemorating 30 years of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and South Africa with The South African Institute of International Affairs(SAIIA) on Tuesday, August 23, 2022.


Under the theme of “South Korea and South Africa: Partnership, Opportunities and Shared Vision for the Future,” they discussed ways to expand cooperation on climate change and energy transition as well as the African Continental Free Trade Area(AfCFTA) negotiations.


한-남아공 수교 30주년 기념 세미나 1한-남아공 수교 30주년 기념 세미나 2

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