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2022 Korea-DR Congo Youth Camp

관리자 / 2022-08-26 오후 3:50:00 / 835

2022 Korea-DR Congo Youth Camp

The Korea-Africa Foundation co-hosted the ‘Korea-DR Congo Youth Camp’ with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in DR Congo, on 26th of August. 

Amb. Jae hoon Lim, the Vice President of the Korea-Africa Foundation and Amb. Jaichel Cho, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to DR Congo attended to the opening ceremony at MNRDC( MUSEE NATIONAL DE LA REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO), Kinshasa and encouraged youth participants.

2022 Korea-DR Congo youth camp group photo

2022 Korea-DR Congo youth camp student presentation

2022 Korea-DR Congo youth camp - korean food

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