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Meeting With the Federal Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment of Nigeria

관리자 / 2022-08-29 오전 11:17:00 / 445

Meeting with the Federal Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment of Nigeria


On August 29(Local time in Nigeria), the president of the Korea-Africa Foundation, Lyeo Woon-ki paid a courtesy visit to Otunba Adeniyi Adebayo, the Federal Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment of Nigeria and exchanged various thoughts on promoting Korean-Nigerian economic cooperation.


Amb. Lyeo whilst introducing Korea-Africa Foundation's projects, appealed for aid and support to continuously strengthen exchange and cooperation in the private sector, especially in the energy, construction, automobile, and ICT areas where our firms are actively advancing into Nigeria. Minister Adebayo stated that cooperation with Korea is always welcome, and requested investment and close cooperation especially in the manufacturing industry.

President Lyeo with Minister Adebayo

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