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The Korea-South Africa Future Dialogue Seminar

관리자 / 2024-11-19 오전 9:00:00 / 167

The Korea-South Africa Future Dialogue Seminar

On November 18, 2024, the Korea-Africa Foundation, in collaboration with the South African Embassy in Korea and the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), held a policy seminar in Pretoria, South Africa.

Titled "Korea-South Africa Future Dialogue: Joint Growth, Sustainability, and Solidarity," the seminar covered key topics such as the outcomes of the Korea-Africa Summit, South Africa's upcoming G20 Presidency in 2025, and sustainable cooperation strategies between the two countries. Over 200 participants from government, academia, the business sector, and international organizations attended the event, evaluating the outcomes of the first Korea-Africa Summit held in June this year, and exploring ways to develop these achievements into sustainable collaboration moving forward.

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